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What's happening in my life...

Actualizado: 28 abr 2018

Hi everyone, welcome to my newsletter. Here’s a quick look at what I’ll be doing over the next few months. 

As you know, I’m living and working here with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I’m a part of the staff team for this April’s Discipleship Training School (DTS), and in this new season God has been challenging me to believe more in what he wants to do in my life. 

It’s a privilege to be part of raising up multicultural groups of young people who are passionate for the nations and for sharing the love and hope of Jesus’ salvation. If you’d like to be a part of what God is doing here, I invite you to pray and ask God how you can collaborate with this new mission that God has put in our hands. 

I’m excited to be heading to Siliguri, INDIA in two months with a team of the DTS students for our outreach trip. 

In India we’ll be working alongside a YWAM base, helping in their different ministries; meeting with the leper colony, approaching people on the streets, doing medical brigades, going to universities, and working with youth groups. The team will also be working with various churches in the cities and villages. 

We are still planning what will happen in India in those two months, and would love for you to be a part of our journey. If you have any questions or would like to know how you can support me in this mission, please get in touch! I would love to hear from you. 

For the 2-month outreach trip to India, I need to raise $4,000 USD. I’d like to ask for your support to help me reach this goal. Donations can be made straight to my bank account, through a direct transfer using PayPal, or YWAM Mazatlán’s website. 

I would love for you to share my information with your friends or your church. Every two weeks I will be updating this blog with what’s going on here in Mazatlán. 

Thank you so much for your support!

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done.” -Philippians 4:6

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Que esta pasando en mi vida...

Hola a todos, Bienvenidos a mi carta de noticias. Como ustedes saben, estoy en juventud con una mision (JUCUM) siendo parte del personal...


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